Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hanging with My Peeps

Zoe has quite a full calendar. There is always a cool friend to hang out with and she loves to have people over for juice and some quality play time.

A mound of blankets makes a great place to relax and watch Elmo.

Zoe has Nana trained to play her Elmo in the morning.

The big baby belly doesn't get in her way. She still like to surf on Mommy.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


So I find myself playing catch-up on the blog again and I apologize to all waiting for updates on Zoe. We definitely were a little preoccupied in September waiting for Newbie to make an appearance and we are still waiting. Aaron says she's a Deetz and Deetzs' don't show up on time. I say she's just like her daddy.

In the meantime, there's no stopping Zoe, of course. She is becoming quite the toddler. My mom arrived on the 18th and she can already tell that Zoe has made the switch from baby to toddler. She is learning to assert herself more and the tantrums are more abundant, but overall, she is a good girl and doesn't give us that much trouble. She just wants to be included. We've been hanging out together in the kitchen and she like to help me cook. Of course, it's a huge mess but that's the price you pay for learning.

Zoe helps me with scrambled eggs

She also likes to help me make dinner. On this occasion, she was helping me stir the batter for fish and chips.

She loves to play with keys and has now made an association with them and the keyhole on the back door. Too funny.