So the Saturday after her actual birthday, we got together with friends and family to do it up right. We did most of the prep ahead of time but of course, there's always one project that gets left until the last minute. I had been debating a collage of Zoe's first year but never really got around to printing the pictures until the night before. Thanks to Aaron, they were done before midnight but putting them into some kind of order would be my task.

We had a pretty decent spread. And like any good party, we bought too much food.

Z with Grammy Mary
The guest began to arrive around 2 pm. I was surprised how quickly things got hopping. These toddlers don't fool around.



James Gunner (Guns for short)

The Lanings

Daddy Matt and Guns (he doesn't look too scared of you)


Deborah and Jenn

This cake was made just for Zoe by our good friend Ann Marie.
It even has Pez on it. AMAZING!

As soon as the candles were blown out, the girls started to circle the high chair

The Birthday Girl (WALKING!)

Elena and Niko

Okay, so I expected instant carnage with the cake but Zoe was being so polite, barely poking the frosting and giving us a little look of uncertainty. Where was the flying cake chunks and the face plastered with gooey, sugary goodness?

Zoe having some fun with one of her new toys.

We had a wonderful time and just want to say thank you to everyone who made Z's birthday a smash.
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