LONG LIVE ROBOTS!!! When Aaron shared his ideas for costumes a few months ago, I was skeptical about our ability to pull off the project. Make our own robot costumes? Dunno about that. We did some research and made many trips to home improvement and party decoration stores and much to our surprise, all the materials we thought would work actually did. We even found some unexpected surprises that made the costumes even better (Zoe's costume actually started as a beer keg hat).

We started our Halloween weekend in New Jersey at Nana Debbie's school. They had a parade and Zoe came to visit in her bunny outfit. She was a hit of course and it was nice to have all Nana's colleagues able to see her in person. We know Nana brags about Zoe all the time.

We spent Halloween night in the West Village at the Annual Halloween Parade. Zoe was the first one dressed and ready to go. She just had to wait for all the slow adults to get robo-cized.

Here we are in all our foil glory.

Zoe had the best costume of all. We couldn't get more than a half block at the parade without someone stopping us for a picture. She was a celebrity with her own paparazzi.

We knew the subway would be a challenge but it wasn't as bad as we thought. Of course, we had to stand the whole way there and back. Hard to sit in a box!

Daddy and Zoe. Quite a pair!

It was an eventful evening for our baby girl. Being famous is exhausting.
We had a blast and are hoping to make it back to the parade soon, although we know that there will be much trick-or-treating from next year on.
your cosutmes are just wonderful.I have been showing them to everyone, Most recently, Megan up from Las Vegas.