Emma made sure we didn't get lost on the way to the bathroom. Thanks Em!
After a night of blanket tugging, we enjoyed a breakfast of instant coffee and Cheerios. Since we did not bring all our supplies for the one-night trip, I attempted to fashion two spoons from a plastic bottle. We eventually shared one camp spoon, offered by our gracious hosts. The empty Cheerios cup made for the perfect hot cocoa mug. Now that's recycling.

We had some fun hangin' with the babies while deciding how to spend the few hours before heading home.

Guys... I was serious about the bear bait thing. This book isn't biographical is it? I mean... the bear doesn't see me, right?

My new hat is the coolest! Gotta love those Emma hand-me-downs.

We got a Yogi Bear on our hands! Better watch those picnic baskets!
We decided to go on a small hike before heading back to the city. Though it was a bit anti-climactic at the top, it was a fun stroll with our friends and a great way to end our short trip to Pennsylvania.

Our fearless leader (Nice butt Candace!)

What no pics of my handsome son? He must have been busy trying to hid your meat products (ha ha). Seriously, Thanks for sharing your camping pics and I am loving your commentaries!! You and Candace crack me up with your observations and comments!!! I am so happy you six have each other to enjoy family-life together! Zoe and Emma are so precious!