Uncle Gabe made a special trip up from UC Santa Barbara to visit Zoe on Easter Weekend. He flew in on Friday night and has made fast friends with her. She greeted him bright and early on Saturday morning and he didn't seem to mind.
I like you!
So much for waking YOU up. Let's take a nap!
Gabe got the hang of soothing Zoe pretty quickly. Thanks for the hand, Bro!
Cousin Cori came all the way to Pacifica from the city to see Zoe. We had a nice lunch and hung out for the afternoon. It was a lot of fun and Zoe had lots of smiles to share.

Aunty Stephanie came by on Saturday night to celebrate Gabe's 20th birthday. We enjoyed steak and yellow cake with chocolate frosting, Gabe's favorite. Stephanie also knows how to charm Zoe to sleep. Now if only I could figure that one out.
Thanks for the baby whispering probs, I so look forard to following her growth from afar and snuggling again w her soon.