Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Fun with Nana

Saturday, April 25, 2009
More fun with the cousins!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
More visitors for Lily

Big Brother Connor

Big Brother Nolan

Lily and Zoe
Oh Boy!
Mom decided to stay at the hospital overnight to help Whitney with the baby and I had gone home with Zoe to get some rest. I got a call at 3 am from Mom telling me that Bekah was in labor and on her way to the hospital. I needed to come and relieve her so she could help Bekah during her birth. Zoe and I rushed out of the house to lend a hand.
Bekah received her epidural at 4:30 and by 6 am, Judah arrived without a push. This girl is amazing. I think there might be a Slip-n-Slide attached to her somewhere.

We are all pretty tired from all the excitement but what a wonderful time. Both moms are doing great and we can't wait to bring everyone home.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Oh Girl!

Mom, Whitney and Brian before surgery
Brian prepares to meet Whitney in surgery
Shortly after 2 pm, Lily Anne arrived weighing 7 lbs 1 1/2 ozs. She has the tiniest features and super blonde hair. Just a doll!

We had quite an exciting day but little did we know we were in for a surprise. Our extended from Roseburg drove down to visit Lily on her birthday. What a sweet gesture and quite an effort on a week night. Thanks for coming guys!

Zoe got a piece of the welcome wagon as she got to meet some of her aunts and cousins too.
Aunt Janie
Aunt Patti
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Cousins Galore!

Aunt Bekah

Cousin Abby

Cousin Benjamin

Cousin Samuel
Monday, April 20, 2009
Chillin' in the valley!


Aunt Whitney
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Growing Zoe leaves Redding
Saturday, April 18, 2009
More visitors!
We continue to enjoy the atmosphere out here. It is still so weird to be able to go anywhere by car and actually go into a store and find what you are looking for. We went to Target early this morning and no one was there. People smile at you and say "Have a wonderful day". I forgot how nice that is. Listen to me, what a fuddyduddy. We definitely are looking forward to the end of this trip and getting home to Daddy. I know he misses Zoe a lot.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Diggin' David Bowie
So apparently, Zoe has a thing for David Bowie. We made this discovery while staying with Aunt Dianne and David this week. She was having her nightly fuss after dinner and Uncle David scooped her up and started to dance and sing. This method has a long-running success rate with the girls in the family. Take note of Aunt Dianne's impressive scratching skills.
I think I finally figured out the FlipShare camera. I hope to post more videos during the trip. She is just doing so many adorable things, it seems only fair that I share them with as many people as possible. ENJOY!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Good Times in Redding
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
So much fun in Sac Town!

Great Aunt Dianne

Auntie D let me borrow the car and we were able to get to Yuba City to see Traci and Charlie. Charlie gave us a tour of the garage and showed off his birthday present. We are so glad we could make it out to see them both.