Sunday, January 18, 2009

Belly Cast Destruction!!!

Oh No! It's Belly Cast Destruction!!! Well the cast went on pretty great, but taking it off was a whole other story. The cast ended up being flimsy and took too long to dry. Kirsten was mighty uncomfortable as she sat for twice the recommended time waiting for the cast to dry. It felt like we were removing a giant wet lasagna noodle that was over cooked.

I'm going to blame the makers of the belly cast kit, "Proud Body Pregnancy Art". The kit was a mess to deal with, our apartment looks like a plaster bomb went off. Application and drying times were both much longer then estimated. And the whole thing fell apart in the end. Boo....

Since I am an artist extraordinaire and Kirsten is of course a model/assistant extraordinaire it can't be our fault.

Well, back to the old drawing board.

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