Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Talents

This one can sing

and swim.

Stuff we do

Lily and Zoe were having a great time on the ride up to Roseburg to see the family and watch the Ducks game.

Story time

Friday, January 21, 2011


Part of surviving the winter in NYC is to have lots of fun things to do inside. Well, peekaboo is a super fun way to pass the time while waiting for the sun to come out.

Tub time is always fun.

A bedtime story

Monday, January 17, 2011

Video Chronology

So these videos are mostly in order. We've got a lot of good stuff and I will try not to forget anything but I might have to squeeze random stuff in at times.

Zoe meets Ruby

Zoe Holds Ruby

My mom and I were having a good time narrating Zoe's cannibal moment.

Halloween provided the perfect backdrop for ducks and mermaids to dance.

A New Year!

2010 was an amazing year for the Deetz family. Not only was our second daughter Ruby Anne born, but we got to see so many members of our extended family during the holidays. It was a real good thing for my soul and I hope it was for yours too.

It's 12:01. I'm totally wasted!

I look forward to imbibing in the new year.

We look forward to a year of wonderful surprises and great opportunities.
Wishing all our friends and family the very best in 2011.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


We had a wonderful Christmas with our steadily growing family. Ruby needed help unwrapping her presents so it was like a double Christmas for Zoe. Convincing her that it's for her little sister will be a difficult task but she's a smart cookie. Here are the highlights

Zoe channelling her inner Santa at Aunt Becky's

We said we would control ourselves but who were we kidding?

and more books.

She loves a good read!!!

Thanks to all who contributed to her library and for all the generous gifts given to our two special girls.

West Coast 2

San Francisco
Zoe running bases at Little Giants Field

Ruby with GGma

Zoe and Aunt Evon

Lily, MacKenzie and Zoe
Ruby and Becky

Sam and Zoe

Judah and Zoe

West Coast

To make good use of my maternity leave, we took both girls out west to make the rounds to the family.

Zoe loved playing in Aunt Whitney's backyard

We actually got tickets to see the Arizona game at Autzen.
It was awesome (and Ruby was there)!

Girls just want to have fun!

The girls like to hang out in Zoe's Dora Bed. It has a built-in sleeping bag to snuggle in.

Hanging out at Nana's in Oregon

Still Catching Up with Family

Her are some great shots of all of us hangin out this fall. Look how new Ruby is. Good times!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Catching Up 2

Brooklyn Baby Coalition

These girls rule the 'hood. When the weather is good, these three can be seen stomping around the playground. I think we're all in a lot of trouble.

Emma. Marcella and Zoe

Emma and Z


This is just a little bit of everything we've been doing since Roobs was born. Just everyday stuff.

Noggin' it up

Duck Lovers
(alas not Championship Bowl winners)

Did we ever tell you we let a doll company make a bunch of plastic Rubys?
Just kidding, but that's weird right?

Baby acne

The Swaddler was in the laundry.

Bubble Fun
