So everyone warns you from the moment your child is born that there will be a time when your sweet baby will turn into a screaming, moody banshee. You swear it will never happen to your precious bundle of joy, that somehow your child will be different. It's all crap, of course. All children go through it and some are worse than others but it's inescapable and part of them becoming developed human beings. It would be great to skip it, but who are we kidding?
I have to admit that at this point, the tantrums are more humorous than anything but I know that will change. Or maybe not. Maybe this is a perspective to keep. I can see how it would be a great survival technique to find it funny when they are throwing themselves on the ground and pounding their fists, expressing their hatred for you. We'll see how it all goes. For now, I have a little documentation on the beginning of this "beautiful" stage of person hood.
Take 1 is Zoe trying to put her swim suit on. She has been totally obsessed with trying to put on her clothes. It is practically impossible to keep her out of her dresser as she loves to pull her clothes out of the drawers and proceed to put on three pairs of pants. Her frustration mounts pretty quickly but that's part of what makes it so funny. Check it out.
Take 2 is a little later in the same day as I was preparing to put everything out on the table for dinner. You will notice the use of her newest acquired expressions "want it" and her request that I "open" things. She is definitely in top whiny form on this late afternoon, but they don't call it the witching hour for nothing. Please forgive the perpetually cluttered dining area. It is a work in progress. Then again, so is the entire house.
I really hope I have acquired the patience to deal with the next levels of this toddler phenomenon. I suspect it may be a gradual process for that reason but I am definitely putting forth my best effort to be the best caretaker for these little rascals we call children. In reality, this behavior is such a small part of our interactions with them on a daily basis. Totally doable.