My mom flew in on the 17th to visit for 10 days. It was really great having her here for Zoe's big day. In a lot of ways, it was like coming full circle, being that she was here the same time last year for Zoe's birth (I guess that was really Zoe's big day). Mom arrived late and we all crashed, looking forward to greeting Zoe on her birthday.
Zoe was up bright and semi-early to greet Nana. I'm always amazed at how quickly Zoe warms up to her, like hardly any time has passed. We wasted no time opening some goodies.

She got the cutest card from Great Grandma and Grandpa Deetz.
So fun to get mail.
We had a busy day ahead of us. We started with a birthday breakfast at our neighborhood diner up the street. Zoe had french toast. Yummy! Then we headed back home to take off for errand- running. COSTCO! Gotta get those party goodies. Besides, where else can you get a hot dog and soda for a buck-fiddy? We rushed home to dropped Zoe and Nana at home because we still had to go pick up Dad at work and meet up with his friend, Ann Marie, who made a special cake just for Zoe (pictures featured in party blog to come).
We got home late and had a nice Costco chicken dinner and then it was bath time. After the bath, Zoe opened her present from our goof friends, the Livaks, who sent her a gift all the way from Chicago.
We got home late and had a nice Costco chicken dinner and then it was bath time. After the bath, Zoe opened her present from our goof friends, the Livaks, who sent her a gift all the way from Chicago.

She getting good at this unwrapping thing!

Thanks for the awesome camera guys!
After the crazy day, it was time to hit the sack. Grammy Mary and Uncle Gabe were flying in late tonight and we needed to rest up for their short visit. They made it in safe and sound and we couldn't wait to get up and play with them the next morning.
Grammy Mary brought some goodies with her and even went on a great adventure to retrieve gifts from Great Grandma Pat.
Grammy Mary brought some goodies with her and even went on a great adventure to retrieve gifts from Great Grandma Pat.