So sorry to have waited so long to post. Life sure comes in waves. Of course a lot has happened since the last posting. Hmmm... where to start. Zoe love solid food, especially Mum-mum crackers and fruit. She is still working on her crawling skills. We need to get a rug to help her out. She now has 4 teeth, 2 top and 2 bottom.
She has figured out how to hold onto things to stay standing and depending on her position, she can pull herself up to standing. I guess this is just the beginning of the end for us, but you can't help but be happy for her. With every bit of control she is able to have over her body, she can truly exercise her exploring skills.

Yay for me! I'm standing!

I don't know how I got up here.

The perfect teether

I totally know how I got up here.