Yesterday Zoe had her first visitors come over to say hi. Ryan, Nate, Elizabeth, John, Candace, Jason and little baby Emma all stopped by to introduce themselves. Unfortunately Zoe was much more interested in sleeping and eating--not that I blame her, those are two of my favorite things as well. And while Zoe was sleeping Emma was stealing the show with all of her 4 month old cuteness. It was a fun, but exhausting day for Zoe.
Is that Ryan sporting his log lady pose with Zoe? Perfect. Ryan ended up being our DJ and spinning the vinyl all afternoon.

I think Nate was bit terrified of Zoe. But Zoe was totally into Nate. Actually I think Zoe started crying immediately after I took this shot. Sorry Nate.

Our neighbors Elizabeth and John were nice enough to stop by for the visit. John is an amazing chef at a local Brooklyn restaurant and brought us premade lazagna dinners. Mmmmm. I can't wait to break into those. Thanks John!

Jason (Emma's daddy) is an old pro at this by now. Perfect arm cradle position. I'm going to have to pick up a few pointers from him.

Zoe posing with the Kirsten Mom, the Candace Mom, and her new BFF Emma.

Here is Emma stealing the show from Zoe. You are awesome Emma.

Babies babies babies. Babies everywhere and a fun day for Zoe. Thanks everyone for stopping by.